Project "Make Room for an inclusive society"

The project contributes to creating a favourable environment strengthening civic participation of newcomers in Riga. The project with its 5 activity blocks, is implemented over a period of 8 months from February 15th to September 30th 2021. 

The project activities are designed to enable newcomers to identify challenges, match them with volunteering opportunities to be more involved with local community-work and introduce them to the Riga City Council and meet relevant decision makers.

Survey and the focus group discussions

Over a period of 3 months (from March to May 2021), we hosted 4 focus group discussions and conducted a survey among the community of newcomers in Riga. 

The aim of the sessions was to identify specific challenges within the 4 thematic areas mentioned below, as well as, analyze causes and share personal experiences.

The 4 thematic discussions focused on: Employment & entrepreneurship support; Discrimination & societal awareness; Practical support; Social connection & language learning. 

*The summary of findings of the survey and the focus group discussions is now available in Latvian, soon to be translated in English.

Aptauja nevaldības organizācijām par ārvalstnieku atbalsta un iesaistes iniciatīvām

Pašlaik mēs veicam nevaldības organizāciju aptauju ar mērķi apzināt visus esošos pakalpojumus un/vai iniciatīvas, kas palīdz risināt sabiedrības jaunpienācēju paustās problēmas un izaicinājumus 4 tematiskos blokos: a) nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība; b) sabiedrības attieksme un diskriminācija; c) valodas apguve un sociālā saikne; d) praktiskais atbalsts.

Aptaujā sniegto informāciju apkoposim un izplatīsim Rīgā dzīvojošajiem jaunpienācējiem (ārvalstu studenti, patvēruma meklētāji, cilvēki ar bēgļa vai alternatīvo statusu, nodarbināti un nenodarbināti ārvalstnieki).

Tāpat arī aptauja palīdzēs apzināt nevaldības organizācijas, kuras būtu atvērtas mērķgrupas aktīvākai iesaistei minēto izaicinājumu risināšanā, nodrošinot īstermiņa vai ilgtermiņa brīvprātīgā darba iespējas, atalgotu darbu vai prakses vietu.

Some of the major project activities include

Problem identification workshops: identify specific challenges newcomers face within the 4 problem-based thematic blocks:

a) employment;

b) discrimination & societal awareness;

c) practical support;

d) social connection & language learning.

Network of NGOs: Identify NGOs and specific programmes and initiatives contributing to solve the newcomer-identified challenges.

Matchmaking: Introduce newcomers with various NGOs and offer volunteering opportunities solving migrant-related challenges.

Meet decision makers: Introduce the newcomers with the work of the Riga City Council, meet various City Council’s decision makers and departments responsible for effective integration.

Create a Handbook for Inclusion: a map of problems from the newcomers’ perspectives and a database of  NGOs offering programmes and initiatives solving the identified challenges.

The project is administered and implemented by the Foundation “Make Room Europe.”

The project is co-financed by the Riga City Council

Department of Education, Culture and Sports within the framework of the Society Integration Program.

Supported by 


Outreach partners